Do Non-Motorized Boats Need Boat/Watercraft Insurance?

If you own a boat or watercraft, it’s essential to understand the risks you face and how you can mitigate them with insurance products. Many factors influence the decision to purchase boat insurance, so let our expert team help you find the right policy for your specific needs. NCIB Group Inc., serving Chicago, IL, is ready to assist you with superior support and guidance. 

Boat/Watercraft Insurance Protection

Regardless of the type of non-motorized boat that one owns, such as a canoe, kayak, or stand-up paddleboard, there is no need for boat or watercraft insurance in most cases. Underwater crafts powered by non-motorized methods are usually considered less of a risk to a motor-powered boat; therefore, insurance is usually not a must. Nevertheless, motorboat owners are responsible for being in select individual circumstances and needs.

In some situations, for example, when there is an intention to use waterway mode (i.e., in crowded waterways) or store in a marina, insurance could provide a valuable buffer against liabilities or claims for damages. Fishing vessel owners should measure the level of the risk attached to their activities and determine whether insurance is the right way to protect the possession of their property, especially if they plan to run a charter service. Involving an insurance professional who will give the information about the different options and also be able to make a sensible choice by factoring in the individual’s needs and choices would always be a wise move. 

Learn More About Boat Insurance Near Chicago, IL

If you want to learn more about boat and watercraft insurance near Chicago, IL, we encourage you to contact us at NCIB Group Inc. and let us show you how easy it is to attain coverage. We’ll answer any questions you have and help ensure you understand your policy and its limitations. Call or stop by to speak with us today. 

Do I Need Condo Insurance?

If you live in a condo, the short answer is yes. And here is the long answer. While you may not own the building or land, you still need insurance for your unit and any personal belongings you may have. Condo insurance covers accidental injuries to people in your condo, fire damage, and theft of personal belongings. It may even defray the costs of temporary displacement should you need to evacuate your condo. The HOA master policy won’t cover that. Moreover, you may be required to have condo insurance in some instances. 

What HO-6 Can Do For You

A condo insurance policy is also known as an HO-6. If your belongings are stolen or damaged, it can help repair or replace them. If, after buying the condo, you need repairs or renovations to the unit’s walls, ceilings, or floors, an HO-6 policy can help you pay for that. You may want to look into a type of HO-6 known as co-op insurance that covers your personal belongings and additional living expenses if you need to move temporarily after a property loss. It also offers liability protection. If you have a mortgage, this could be a requirement. Even if you don’t, it’s still an excellent idea. You never know when an accident or disaster might happen, leaving you with expenses that must be covered. 

Contact NCIB Group Inc. Serving Chicago, IL

If you live in a condo in Chicago, IL, and want to get it insured, please get in touch with NCIB Group Inc. Our courteous, knowledgeable, and compassionate agents will do all they can to help you get what you need. 


Is boat insurance required by law in Chicago, IL?

Chicago, IL is one of the best places in the country for great boat experiences. You can experience the best in nature and architecture, all while relaxing on the water. But if you have your own boat, you need to know the boat rules.

Illinois boat owners are not required to carry boat insurance. However, you are still responsible for anything that happens if you operate a boat in Illinois. NCIB Group Inc. can help you learn your options to make the best decision about what works for you.

How Can Boat Insurance Protect You And Your Family?

Accidents can happen, no matter how careful you are. Whether or not you are at fault, there may be property damage and medical bills that need to be paid. If you are at fault, you could be the subject of a lawsuit.

If you have liability insurance, you can call your agent and refer the other people to your insurance for the claim. Your insurance will pay damages if you are at fault up to the limits of your policy.

Coverage Besides Liability

If you are not at fault, it is still essential to have other kinds of coverage. Anyone with a loan on their boat will probably be required to have full coverage, but you can keep full coverage after the loan is paid off, so your investment is still protected.

You can also get insurance to protect personal property, fuel spills, watersport activities, and other kinds of coverage. Underinsured/uninsured boat insurance protects you if someone else is at fault in an accident.

Protect yourself while boating in Chicago, IL, by ensuring you have the coverage you need. To discuss your options for boat insurance, please call NCIB Group Inc. today.

How will a condo insurance plan protect me in Chicago?

Being a property owner has continued to be a good option for Chicago, IL residents. Although there might not be many options, a great type of property to acquire is a condo. With a condo, you will enjoy the advantages of owning a home while not having the same level of maintenance obligations that come with owning a house. When getting a condo, you should also get insurance as it offers valuable protection. 

Protect Your Assets

A condo insurance plan is helpful for Chicago residents because it can protect their assets. When you are insured with a condo plan, a part of the policy will offer coverage for the dwelling and your personal belongings. This coverage will ensure you have support if you incur a loss due to a fire, theft, vandalism, or even interior water damage. You can obtain an additional rider to the policy for valuable personal items. 

Offset Liability Risks

Getting condo coverage to offset your liability risks is also a good idea. There are a lot of liability risks that come with owning a condo, including if your condo has a leak or another issue that causes damage to other units. When you get a condo plan, it will provide coverage for such situations. 

If you are in the Chicago, IL area and want to purchase a condo or any other type of home, you must have insurance. You can be assured that you select the appropriate policy by calling our team at the NCIB Group Inc. When you call us at the NCIB Group Inc., you can have all of your questions answered and can receive the guidance you need to build a new policy. 

Tips to prepare your boat for a storm

As a boat owner in the Chicago, IL area, you know that it’s essential to take steps to protect your vessel when a storm is coming. Here are a few tips from us at NCIB Group Inc. to get your boat ready for the next storm. 

  • Anchor your boat securely: Before a storm hits, make sure your boat is anchored securely and check the anchoring line for wear or damage. 
  • Secure items on board: Ensure all items on board are secured and stowed away safely. This includes life jackets, fishing gear, tackle boxes, extra fuel tanks, and other loose items. 
  • Check the dock lines: Inspect all dock lines for signs of wear or damage before a storm hits and replace any that need it. Also, ensure they are properly tied off to ensure your boat doesn’t move or drift during the storm. 
  • Keep an eye on the weather: Regularly monitor weather reports to track the progress of incoming storms so you can prepare accordingly. 
  • Store away electronics: Before a storm arrives, unplug and store away any electronic devices, such as fish finders or GPS units, that could be damaged in high winds or heavy rainfall. 

By taking these simple steps, you can help protect your vessel from potential damage during storms and create peace of mind by knowing that you’ve done everything possible to keep your boat safe!

For more tips, give us at NCIB Group Inc. a call today. We are proud to serve the Chicago, IL area and would be happy to help you find a policy that meets your needs and budget. So don’t wait! Give us a call today!

Does Condo Insurance Cover Storm Damage in Chicago, IL?

Homeowners in Chicago, IL are no strangers to severe weather. From thunderstorms and tornadoes to floods and wildfires, homeowners need to ensure they have the right insurance coverage in case of storm damage. But what happens when you live in a condo instead of a single-family home? Does condo insurance still protect against storm damage? Let’s look at how condo insurance covers storm damage in Chicago, IL.

Protection Against Wind Damage

Condo owners should not assume that the building owner’s policy covers their structure. Most policies do not cover interior items such as furniture, flooring, and appliances, which means the responsibility would fall on your shoulders. However, if you purchase an HO-6 policy, you should be covered for any wind damage from storms or hail as long as it does not involve flooding or earthquakes.

Protection Against Fire Damage

You may be entitled to compensation for smoke and soot removal and any structural damages due to the fire itself. Most standard condo insurance policies cover this type of loss regarding fire damage caused by storms or other disasters. However, this coverage is often limited in scope, so you should speak with your NCIB Group Inc. representative about what coverage you need before signing a policy.

Protection Against Water Damage

Water damage can come from many sources, including floods and plumbing issues. While most condo insurance policies will cover water damage caused by plumbing problems (such as burst pipes), they usually do not cover flood damage caused by natural disasters like hurricanes or heavy rainfall. If you live in an area prone to flooding, you may need additional coverage for this event.

It’s always best to speak with an experienced agent at NCIB Group Inc who can help answer any questions and determine the best course of action for protecting your home against storm-related damage.

Why Do Boaters Need Boat Insurance?

Owning a boat requires a lot, including frequent maintenance. One thing that isn’t required, but is a must to have, is boat insurance. States make their own laws about boat insurance and whether it is mandated. The state of Illinois doesn’t require you to have this insurance, but it’s not a good idea to own a boat without it. You are vulnerable to many financial problems after a boating accident if you don’t have boat insurance. Call NCIB Group Inc. in Chicago, IL to ensure your boat is protected.

Protection in Case of Boating Accidents

Boats collide on the water occasionally, which can be a costly error to make. You could have an accident for which you are found to be at fault, and you would owe money for the damage to the other watercraft and any medical bills that the other party incurred. Without boat insurance, you would be on the hook for all of these bills from your own pocket. When you have boat insurance, the policy can pay for the many bills that are owed afterward. This can be a lot because of the rising costs of both repair and medical services. Boat insurance protects you financially from financial problems from these costs.

Coverage Types for Boats

Like auto insurance, different types of this coverage can go into one policy. You can get liability coverage that pays for the damages and medical bills due for the other party’s boat. You can also get comprehensive coverage that protects you in case of an off-water incident that happens to your boat. 

Cover Your Boat

If you don’t have boat insurance, it’s time to get a policy. Call us at NCIB Group Inc. in Chicago, IL.

Why All Condo Owners Need Condo Insurance

If you own a condo, you may know that many risks exist that can cause damage to it. To protect yourself against many of those risks, every condo owner needs to keep a condo insurance policy. With this protection, you can have better peace of mind and protection against the high costs of damaging events. Call NCIB Group Inc. in Chicago, IL when you need condo insurance.

Protection for Your Condo

When you have condo insurance, you get adequate protection against several types of damaging incidents that can happen to your home. These may include specific disasters and certain calamities that can cause expensive damage to your home. With this coverage, the repairs you need to your home can be paid for by the policy instead of all coming from your pocket. With condo insurance, the policy can even pay for you to live somewhere else if necessary while the repairs are being done. 

Coverage for Your Possessions

Your belongings inside your condo are also expensive and need protection. When you have condo insurance, you get coverage for everything inside it. When a damaging event happens to your condo and your possessions are destroyed, your condo insurance will pay for your items to be replaced so that you can return to your everyday life much faster after a severe incident. This coverage is vital because of how much your possessions can cost when you add them. 

Get Condo Coverage

To keep your finances protected against damaging incidents, you need condo insurance. To get started with your own policy, call us at NCIB Group Inc in Chicago, IL.

Get Your Boat or Watercraft Summer-Ready With the Right Insurance

With the weather warming up in the Chicago, IL area, it’s time to enjoy all those summertime activities you’ve put off during colder weather. One of those is likely to be taking your boat or watercraft out for a spin. But before you take to the water, you need to be sure you’re ready. Contacting us at NCIB Group Inc. can help. The right boat & watercraft insurance can go a very long way toward protecting you this summer, and you want to be sure you have the best policy for your needs.

Whether you’ve just purchased a boat or watercraft to enjoy or had yours for a long time, it’s important to check it over thoroughly before heading out onto the water. You’re reducing the chances that something could go wrong and result in an injury by doing that. It’s not just the safety check that matters, though. You also want to be adequately covered for accidents and other unexpected issues. A boat or watercraft policy is a valuable part of your summer experience.

Working with knowledgeable agents is a good way to make sure you aren’t missing anything that should be in your policy and that you have the right type of coverage. The coverage limits are essential to protect your boat or watercraft more fully. Then you can enjoy all it has to offer and have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re adequately protected.

Contact us today at NCIB Group Inc. if you’re in the Chicago, IL area and need a boat or watercraft insurance policy. We can help you choose the right options, and then you can enjoy exploring the area waterways without worry.

Condo insurance FAQs

Condos are a great way to break into the housing market in Chicago. Making sure that you have the perfect condo insurance to give you the protection you need is important. At NCIB Group Inc. in Chicago, IL, we have been providing personalized insurance services since 1989. As independent agents, we are dedicated to providing the finest in insurance products and customer service. 

Is condo insurance required in Chicago?

No, condo insurance is not required by the city of Chicago or the state of Illinois. But your condo association may require you to show proof of insurance and if you have a mortgage, your lender will require that you have condo insurance. 

What does the condo association master policy cover? 

The condo association master policy covers the exterior of the building, the walls, and roof. It also covers any common areas like elevators or swimming pools. How far it goes into the walls depends on the policy. It is up to you as the owner to read your covenant and the master policy so that you know what is covered by the master policy and what you as a unit owner need to cover. 

What exactly does condo insurance cover?

Condo insurance offers four potential types of coverage; property, contents, liability and loss of use. 

Property coverage pays to repair things like your walls and built-ins that you have in your condo. 

Content coverage protects your personal property, furniture, electronics, clothing etc. 

Liability coverage pays for medical expenses if someone is injured while visiting your condo or by a member of your family. It also covers legal fees and legal action against you. 

Loss of use coverage pays for a place for you to stay if your unit is rendered uninhabitable by a covered peril. 

Contact NCIB Group Inc. in Chicag,o IL, when you are ready to discuss condo insurance.